

moving to london could be life-сhanging. whether you want to come here in the seek of employment, or to start your own business, to get a higher education, or just to meet new people and have some fun, you have to think thoroughly before making your final decision. this city has plenty to offer to everyone, but there are always two sides to every story. i will help to break it down for you and consider all the possible for and against that you may need to think about.

  • you just can't stand big cities
    if you don't want to see this when you go shopping, and this when you are late for work, spend hours on the public transport, can't live without clean  not polluted air, silence and nature, and when you look up you want to see this and not THIS, then you will find a couple of things to complain about living in london...
    there are almost 14 million living in the city's metropolitan area, with the density of population 44 times higher than the european average. it is the biggest city in the EU. so if you are coming from a small town you may find yourself lost in this crowded madness.
  • you are ill with racism, nationalism, xenophobia, homophobia etc
    if you have one of these conditions, it is probably better to stay where you are right now.
    london is one of the most culturally, nationally and ethnically diverse cities of our planet - 40% of the londoners were born not in london! 
  • you want to save a lot of money in a short period of time
    it's EXPENSIVE in here! be ready to pay £500 a month for not so nice room in a not so nice area, up to a £100 for monthly travel, and up to £4 a pint in a not so good pub, £7 for a pack of cigarettes.. OUCH! if you are planning to come here to find a job, and leave in a few months with a huge stack of cash, you better think twice. 
  • you don't speak english
    if you really don't understand a word in english.. i really don't know how are you still reading this...
    but anyway - you really need to pump up your english before coming here, otherwise it will be EXTREMELY hard to find any type of job, impossible to study and at the end of the day you need to speak to people on the street, on the bus, in a bar etc. I advise start watching movies and read books/magazines/the best blog in the world only in english. it helped me a lot in the past ;)
  • the weather is an issue
    especially if you are from a warm country. if you cant live without the sun, hate when everything that surrounds you is grey (even when it supposed to be red), and a constant transportation of water from the sky to your head can become a serious issue, maybe it's better to reconsider the place for relocation..

  • if you love big cities
    life is everywhere around you at any time of a day on every day of a week - people, cars, planes, foxes! move, talk, run, dance, smile, cry, drink, eat, jump, sing! noise, lights, flash, stop, go, back, front. every day is a new adventure, every day you will see something interesting and fascinating even if you are just having a ride on a bus
  • because there is so much stuff to do out here
    music, art, sports, social life, shops, food.. there are so many concerts and festivals featuring biggest stars in the world as well as amazing indie-scene; so many galleries, museums, amazing street art scene; world class sports events from Barclay's Premier League and 2012 Olympics to NBA and NFL regular season matches! incredible amount of places to go out - great bars and pubs all over the city, world famous night clubs, raves, house parties, street parties, squat parties - whatever you like. 
  • because of job opportunities
    it would not be right to say that the bitterness of the global economy didn't reach london, it is not as easy to get a good job here as many of us wished it would be. but hey! london still has more to offer than most of the europe or the rest of the world! 
  • to get higher education
    the uk is famous for the quality of the higher education worldwide. london has over fifty universities and colleges with the widest range of courses you can ever imagine. and even when the tuition fees will rise next year there is still a student loan program available for those of you coming from the eu. which means that your degree will cost you nothing at the time you are studying, and you will have to pay for it only a tiny amount each year after you graduate and start to get a sufficient income.
  • it's a multicultural city, everyone is welcome
    everyone is a stranger but you will feel like it is your home. so many people from all over the world will make you feel the connection with all the parts of our planet. being a londoner is almost like bieng a worldoner!.. (eh?) isn't that exciting?


  1. OK, how do I work out if London is the right place for me? Your pix look enticing enough though. Nicola

  2. I think I know the answer now, thank you. Nicola

  3. That's hilarious! I love the links to the pictures, makes it interactive plus like finding a surprise

  4. Great points. That photo of Oxford Street is awesome. I love London, but I try to terrorise my friends living elsewhere with horror stories of what Oxford St is like on Saturday afternoons. Seas of people!

  5. @Kat: Thats the way forward! By putting everybody else off we can have it all to our selves!
